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Buzz Rickson's

Die japanische Marke Buzz Rickson's verdankt ihren Namen der Figur Steve McQueen aus dem Film "The War Lover". Die Marke hat sich auf die Reproduktion amerikanischer Militärkleidung aus den 1930er bis 1960er Jahren spezialisiert. Die Stoffe werden genau wie damals hergestellt. Der Unterschied zum Original ist kaum zu erkennen, da Reißverschlüsse und Knöpfe aus Restbeständen der damaligen Zeit verwendet werden. Alle Artikel von Buzz Rickson's werden mit viel Liebe zum Detail in Japan hergestellt. Mittlerweile haben die perfekten Reproduktionen von Vintage-Fliegerjacken auch bei professionellen Vintage-Händlern Kultstatus erreicht.

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88 Produkte


US Army Denim Working JacketUS Army Denim Working Jacket
Freedom Sleeve Sweatshirt Logo Grau MeliertFreedom Sleeve Sweatshirt Logo Grau Meliert
Herringbone Work Shirt SchwarzHerringbone Work Shirt Schwarz
BR12266 M-51 Parka US Army Fishtail OlivBR12266 M-51 Parka US Army Fishtail Oliv
BR65622 Set-In Crew Sweat SchwarzBR65622 Set-In Crew Sweat Schwarz
Watch Cap Cotton SchwarzWatch Cap Cotton Schwarz
BR11702 M-65 Field Jacket Olive DrabBR11702 M-65 Field Jacket Olive Drab
BR65622 Set-In Crew Sweat NavyBR65622 Set-In Crew Sweat Navy
BR65622 Set-In Crew Sweat Grau MeliertBR65622 Set-In Crew Sweat Grau Meliert
Watch Cap Cotton OlivWatch Cap Cotton Oliv
BR65622 Set-In Crew Sweat OlivBR65622 Set-In Crew Sweat Oliv
BR15301 US Army Denim Pullover JacketBR15301 US Army Denim Pullover Jacket
Original Spec. Chino KhakiOriginal Spec. Chino Khaki
Watch Cap Cotton NavyWatch Cap Cotton Navy
Chambray Work ShirtBR25995 Chambray Work Shirt
Combat Tropical Jacket OliveCombat Tropical Jacket Olive
BR02243 USN Watch Cap NavyBR02243 USN Watch Cap Navy
Freedom Sleeve Sweat Shirt Grau MeliertFreedom Sleeve Sweat Shirt Grau Meliert
William Gibson WWII Black Denim BlouseWilliam Gibson WWII Black Denim Blouse
Original Spec. Chino OliveOriginal Spec. Chino Olive
William Gibson Liner, Extreme Cold Weather, Parka SchwarzWilliam Gibson Liner, Extreme Cold Weather, Parka Schwarz
William Gibson B-15C Jacket BlackWilliam Gibson B-15C Jacket Black
M-43 Service Shoe CamelM-43 Service Shoe Camel
William Gibson M-65 Field Jacket BlackWilliam Gibson M-65 Field Jacket Black
Freedom Sleeve Sweat Shirt SchwarzFreedom Sleeve Sweat Shirt Schwarz
William Gibson MA-1 Albert Turner & Co. Model BlackWilliam Gibson MA-1 Albert Turner & Co. Model Black
BR68130 Thermal Henley L/S SchwarzBR68130 Thermal Henley L/S Schwarz
William Gibson A-2 Jacket SchwarzWilliam Gibson A-2 Jacket Schwarz
William Gibson M-51 Parka SchwarzWilliam Gibson M-51 Parka Schwarz
C-2 Type Heavy Cotton Jersey OliveC-2 Type Heavy Cotton Jersey Olive
William Gibson G-1 Jacket SchwarzWilliam Gibson G-1 Jacket Schwarz
Type Tankers Slash PocketType Tankers Slash Pocket
William Gibson Combat Tropical Jacket BlackWilliam Gibson Combat Tropical Jacket Black
Full Zip Sweat Parka Heather GreyFull Zip Sweat Parka Heather Grey
C-2 Type Heavy Cotton Jersey BlackC-2 Type Heavy Cotton Jersey Black
BR02719 Belt, Web, Waist, EM M-1937 KhakiBR02719 Belt, Web, Waist, EM M-1937 Khaki
Thermal Plain T-Shirt BlackThermal Plain T-Shirt Black
Sweat Pants U.S. Air Force BlackSweat Pants U.S. Air Force Black
William Gibson US Navy Pea Coat SchwarzWilliam Gibson US Navy Pea Coat Schwarz
AusverkauftBR02763 Brass WhistleBR02763 Brass Whistle
William Gibson MA-1 Jacket Slender Long SchwarzWilliam Gibson MA-1 Jacket Slender Long Schwarz
Set-In Crew Neck Sweat Shirts Navy BlackSet-In Crew Neck Sweat Shirts Navy Black
William Gibson Type L-2B BlackWilliam Gibson Type L-2B Black
A-2 Deck Jacket Jungle Cloth OliveA-2 Deck Jacket Jungle Cloth Olive
Leather Wallet BrownLeather Wallet Brown
William Gibson Type B-9 BlackWilliam Gibson Type B-9 Black
William Gibson Sweaters, Wool, Turtle Neck, BlackWilliam Gibson Sweaters, Wool, Turtle Neck, Black
Aviation Associates Wool A-1 Jacket OliveAviation Associates Wool A-1 Jacket Olive

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